We hope this finds you in health, safety and well as we support each other through unprecedented times. As an organization, our utmost priority is to be a point of trust, value and information for our clients and community as a whole.
With COVID-19 ever-fluid changes, some of the questions that employers encounter surrounds temporary layoffs, statutory leaves and continuation of benefits. We were able to touch on this at our Workplace Benefits Liabilities In The COVID-19 Era webinar at the end of March.
Being a part of the insurance industry for 27 years and seeing our insurance partners step up to meet the changing needs of Canadians has been comforting. Some adjustments have included extending the period of coverage during a temporary layoff and leave of absence, including Short Term and Long Term disability benefits. Premium credits for fully insured Health and Dental benefits, deferring May and June renewals and flexibility with bill premium payment options to address organizations’ financial challenges.
From a benefits coverage perspective, we are seeing the approval of virtual paramedical services, which acts as an extension of a plan’s wellness platform, increased use of carriers’ wellness tools and Employee Assistance Plans as mental health management is top of mind.
As we look into the future, we expect trend claims patterns to fluctuate as a result of the duration of COVID-19. As paramedical providers for example who are currently closed, reopen and Dental services are no longer limited mainly to emergency visits, we would foresee a spike in claims for Health and Dental benefits. We hope this month’s 4-week webinar series is relevant to you, as we work towards engaging, lifting and bringing community together.
Though life may have changed as we know it, our promise to strive and persevere has not wavered. We are committed to you, every step of the way.
Keep well,
The Benchmark Benefit Solutions Team