Fall Client Event, Breast Cancer Awareness & Updated Employment Insurance

We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients and that means exceeding the expectations they have of us. As a client of Benchmark, you receive more than just brokering of your benefits plans. We endeavour to provide relevant business information to ensure our clients are armed with the tools they need to position them for success. 
Benchmark is hosting this fall’s exclusive client event, with speaker Dr. Adam Fremeth of Ivey School of Business where he will be presenting ‘Canada in a Volatile World: Where are we heading in 2023?’
During this exclusive event, our clients will have the chance to learn about Economic perspectives heading into the fall, from one of the industry’s best.
If you feel that you want to partner with Benchmark for your employee benefits, be a part of our community and attend such interesting events, you can contact us today.

The session will be a tour of the dominant forces that are shaping the global environment:

1)  Appraise the economic, political and social forces that are shaping today’s business world

2) Evaluate the future of Canada’s role in an ever-changing global economy

3) Dive deep into the dynamics that may determine where firms will be heading in the next 18 months.  


About the speaker

Adam Fremeth is the E.J. Kernaghan Professor in Energy Policy and Associate Professor of Business, Economics, and Public Policy at the Ivey Business School. He is the Associate Director of the Ivey Energy Policy and Management Centre and his research focus is on how firms engage and respond to public policy, with particular attention to regulated utilities and the upstream oil and gas sector. Ongoing research projects include how firms engage with First Nations communities through the application of Impact and Benefit Agreements, the role of activist groups on regulatory rulings in the electric utility sector, and the performance implications of dual-class share offerings.

His work has been published in top-tier economics and management journals, including the Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Business Venturing, and American Economics Journal: Applied Economics. This research agenda has been awarded numerous national grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and he has been named a Fulbright Scholar. He is on the Editorial Boards of Organization Science, Journal of Management and Business & Society. He received his HBA from the Ivey Business School, his MA from Carleton University and his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota.

October marked the month in which the whole world participates and spreads awareness about Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is an annual campaign to raise awareness about the impacts of breast cancer showing the people who are either suffering themselves or are involved in taking care of a suffering loved one that they are not alone in this journey.

If one of your employees has been diagnosed or has symptoms indicating Breast Cancer, here is what you should know:

1) Early diagnosis can prevent the disease from spreading, which could be life-saving in many cases
2) Medications in an outpatient clinic are currently covered under provincial healthcare and insurance
3) Cancer support services and Mental Health Services are offered in hospitals (e.g. dietician, counselling, physio)
4) Diagnostic tests, bloodwork, scans, and genetic testing are covered under provincial healthcare
5) Insurance can be used for radiation therapy and inpatient care/surgery
6) Family doctor visits, emergency room visits, and outpatient clinic appointments are covered

To find out what added benefits you can provide to your employees and their families suffering from Breast Cancer, contact one of our experts today!

The Canadian Federal government has confirmed that it is extending the Employment Insurance (EI) Sickness Benefits period from 15 weeks to 26 weeks this year as proposed in the 2022 Budget. The official implementation date and details have not yet been confirmed. Employers with Short Term Disability benefits should look to align their Qualification Period and Benefit Period to the new extended EI period.

For Employers with Long Term Disability coverage, this is an opportunity to lengthen your Elimination Period and potentially reduce premium costs. Be cautious, as this longer 26-week EI period may delay an employee’s rehabilitation process or return to work. To read more about the budget updates for employment insurance in detail, click HERE

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