Educational Seminars
Reaching out to communicate directly with plan members is an integral element of any
successful benefits program

Our workshops & seminars proactively tackle emerging changes and trends in the public & private health and human resources space

We offer a range of topics including
drug studies, savings for retirement,
financial planning and more

We connect our community with influential thought leaders who provide valuable insights and expertise in their respective fields
Learn how prescription drug claims data can be analyzed to improve the health of your employee benefits plan. Topics include, but are not limited to:
– Impact of drug pricing variations across Canada
– Implications of increasing specialty drug use on plan design
– Top cost drivers of drug plan spending
Our educational seminars on HR-related topics provide insight on relevant issues and industry know-how that impact stakeholders throughout the organization. Employers are invited to offsite seminar events to learn more from notable guest speakers, and to network with decision-makers from other organizations.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
– Employment Law
– Wellness
– Health & Safety
– Total Rewards
Engaging plan members directly is an often overlooked yet integral element of any successful benefits program. With Benchmark as the liaison among members, the plan sponsor and the benefits carrier, employees feel more comfortable and connected with their benefits coverage. Our on-site presence gives members the opportunity to ask direct questions and get clear, immediate answers.
We offer a wide range of workplace education seminars. Our most popular topics include:
– How to make the most of your group benefits plan
– Planning for your retirement
– Creating a financial planning roadmap
– The basics of investment planning
These can be offered either as part of a benefits program or on a stand-alone basis. Our national associate network allows us to offer these presentations with consistency in every province and major centre across Canada.