Call for Research
2x Donations
Arthritis Awareness Event
Arthritis Walk
Lastly, the organization also held a #StepUpForArthritis walk, where they invited employees and other supporters to walk in solidarity. You can participate in the walk from home by walking locally and tagging your photos with the hashtag, @arthritissociety and @BenchmarkCanada.
1) Offering skill improvement opportunities and increased accessibility to mental health support services
2) Customizing benefits plans to specific employee segments is important for retaining your best employees
3) Understanding what your employees need most; is it access to financial planning, greater matching of funds in a savings vehicle, or providing debt counselling?
To customize benefits plans for your employees, talk to one of our Benefit Expert today!
Phone: 416-560-0551
Email: [email protected]
Benchmark is a firm believer of Workplace Wellness. When we make healthy food choices, it reflects in our productivity and performance at work and at home.
While we have our own Canadian dietary guidelines in ‘Canada’s Food Guide’, we thought it would be interesting to explore guidelines from around the world, to see if there are any tips we can incorporate into our everyday lives.
Today we are talking about the Mexican food guidelines: Built around ten key messages and one main premise for the general population: “Be physically active and eat properly to maintain a healthy body weight and prevent diseases, by following these recommendations:”
1) Take your time to eat and enjoy your meals by sharing them with family and friends whenever possible.
2) Include the three food groups: fruits & vegetables, cereals & legumes, and animal source foods in your breakfast, lunch and dinner.
3) Eat whole grains like tortilla, oatmeal, amaranth, rice, bread & pasta; and legumes like beans, lentils and green beans, daily.
To get customized or traditional health benefit plans for your employees, contact one of our Experts today!
Phone: 416-560-0551
Email: [email protected]